Our Past, Current and Future

our past

Our people has been consuming most all types and sources of energy from woods, wind, water, charcoal, gasoline and LNG/LPG - some in the form of electricity yet nuclear is not part of the country current electricity mix. Date back in the mid 90s during Soeharto and Habibie era, Indonesia was about to enter nuclear industry era by building 10 Nuclear Power Plants for electricity generation within 10 years. Geological formations have been studied, locations have been identified and selected, feasibility study has been conducted, etc. then the deep economic crisis hit the world and Indonesia. The NPP building plan was put on hold until un-certain time-frame.

our current and future

The application of nuclear energy in the sensing and gauging of material in aggressive chemical industry - SPS Engineering services during radioactive source dismantling and waste disposing-off site

SPS Engineering provides licensed Radiation Protection Worker to serve industrial Clients in assembling and dis-mantling radioactive sources at Client's premises safely and appropriately

However, nuclear as low level sources of energy has been widely used for a long time in Indonesia. The radioactivity as a source of energy has been playing important role in the development of our people, our country and in industrial application. Isotopes are used in agriculture, medical and health measurement and sensing, oil and gas industries, steelworks and other industries.

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It is predicted that renewable energy will be the main energy and electricity sources for our future as fossil fuels will be depleted. The development of our people, expansion of industries and manufactures, infrastructures expansion and the future completion will be much depending on the supplies and readiness of energy. Electricity is the driver of Indonesian current development and future.

However, the consumption of oil and coal for fuels and electricity generation is geometrically increased while the reserve is less and less. Indonesia is no more a net oil-producer instead; our national budget has been being spent on fuel imports and/or subsidy to our people. Nuclear is by-far one of the abundance sources of energy for future mankind. Its use in industry for non-electricity now provide pathway for the use for electrical energy in the future. SPS Engineering is in partnerships with all national assets to serve the industrial needs in safe, secure and appropriate use of nuclear energy for non-electricity application. The company has a deep know-how in the management of radioactive sources and wastes.

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news & updates

SPS Engineering was invited by Jababeka Innovation Center to the CEO FORUM for Manufacturing & Distribution Companies
SPS Engineering will organize roadshow on Industrial Estates in Indonesia starting from Cikarang Jababeka
SPS Engineering participates in the event of Presidential Lecture by Prof. DR. Habibie in conjunction with the establishment..
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