our vision and mission

SPS Engineering - water+energy is about our people, our life. We are here to provide what's good and essential for our people.

We believe that our energy, passion and synergy are the key success of our mission in the past, current and the future. Our local know-how, expertise and synergy will bring forward solutions and technologies for the good and essential outcomes to our people.

As life is about choices, our founders share the common thought; if the company is established and developed on a strong platform of our team passion, expertise and synergy with good vision and mission for our people, then challenges should be within our controls. Time will proof that the thought is live and true.

Our Vision is bold.

SPS Engineering should be a national leading and pioneering enterprise in providing engineering and services in the area of water and energy.

Our Mission is obvious.

SPS Engineering is delivering what's good and essential for our people. We bring our passion, pioneering and synergy to create what's needed and good for the current and future development of our people. We strengthen our energy through synergy. We face challenges. We contribute.

SPS Engineering is about WATER+ENERGY.

In our field it is known that WATER+ ENERGY = EQUILIBRIUM

Water + Energy = Equilibrium
Water Quality Management in Nuclear Reactor and Spent Fuel Storage

news & updates

SPS Engineering was invited by Jababeka Innovation Center to the CEO FORUM for Manufacturing & Distribution Companies
SPS Engineering will organize roadshow on Industrial Estates in Indonesia starting from Cikarang Jababeka
SPS Engineering participates in the event of Presidential Lecture by Prof. DR. Habibie in conjunction with the establishment..
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